Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016


Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016


Shannon Plumb, 2016
Shannon Plumb, 2016


Shannon Plumb, 2016
Shannon Plumb, 2016


Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016


Guinevere, 2015
Guinevere, 2015


High Priestess of the Raven Cult, 2015
High Priestess of the Raven Cult, 2015


Untitled, 2014
Untitled, 2014


Untitled, 2014
Untitled, 2014


Hair Chair, 2011
Hair Chair, 2011

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2006

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2009

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2004

C-print, silver leaf frame
23 x 23 inches (framed)

Nude, 2004
Nude, 2004

C-print, silver leaf frame
23 x 23 inches (framed)

Sarah Schalk, 1998
Sarah Schalk, 1998

Polaroid print
4 x 5 inches

Untitled (Grace Kelsey), 1998
Untitled (Grace Kelsey), 1998

Polaroid print
4 x 5 inche

Grace Kelsey, 1998
Grace Kelsey, 1998


Untitled, 2005
Untitled, 2005

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Ziggurat, 2000
Ziggurat, 2000

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2003
Untitled, 2003

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera

Untitled (Edit Deak), 1995
Untitled (Edit Deak), 1995

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2008

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2007

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2006

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Shannon Plumb, 2016
Shannon Plumb, 2016
Untitled, 2016
Guinevere, 2015
High Priestess of the Raven Cult, 2015
Untitled, 2014
Untitled, 2014
Hair Chair, 2011
Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2009
Untitled, 2004
Nude, 2004
Sarah Schalk, 1998
Untitled (Grace Kelsey), 1998
Grace Kelsey, 1998
Untitled, 2005
Untitled, 2004
Ziggurat, 2000
Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2003
Untitled (Edit Deak), 1995
Untitled, 2008
Untitled, 2004
Untitled, 2007
Untitled, 2006
Untitled, 2016


Untitled, 2016


Shannon Plumb, 2016


Shannon Plumb, 2016


Untitled, 2016


Guinevere, 2015


High Priestess of the Raven Cult, 2015


Untitled, 2014


Untitled, 2014


Hair Chair, 2011

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2009

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2006

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2009

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2004

C-print, silver leaf frame
23 x 23 inches (framed)

Nude, 2004

C-print, silver leaf frame
23 x 23 inches (framed)

Sarah Schalk, 1998

Polaroid print
4 x 5 inches

Untitled (Grace Kelsey), 1998

Polaroid print
4 x 5 inche

Grace Kelsey, 1998


Untitled, 2005

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Ziggurat, 2000

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2008

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2003

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 4x5 Pinhole Camera

Untitled (Edit Deak), 1995

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2008

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2004

Polaroid print
3-1/2 x 4-1/4 inches

Untitled, 2007

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

Untitled, 2006

Polaroid print
Photographed using Recine 8x10 Pinhole Camera

show thumbnails